Friday, July 5, 2013

It's been a while...

Ok so I only have three posts. Oopsies! The issue was that I really wanted to do a review on some new makeup I ordered from MAC, but it seems fate had other plans. I never recieved my order. After speaking to MAC, they reshipped it. Guess what? I didn't recieve it either. UPS really sucks in Miami, either that or someone stole it. Well whatever it was, here I am still waiting for my stuff. :,-( Just so you know COMING on RIRI WOO, RIRI BOY, AND HEAUX lipsticks, all part if the RIRI <3 MAC SUMMER Collection. I already have the Heaux lipstick, which thankfully was backordered and the only thing I recieved in a seperate package. I should be getting RIRI BOY next week and as for the rest,...Who knows. Waiting for a supervisor to do his or her work over there at MAC. The review and swatches for Heauax will be up soon, I promise. And other goodies I ordered as soon as I get them. Keep coming back and thank you for reading, who ever you are.


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